Marie  Dewaele

Marie Dewaele

Senior Recruitment Expert

Who am I? 

I am a mother of two adorable little girls, and I love spending time with my family and friends. My husband and I enjoy hosting, and our door is always open. Traveling, reading, and scuba diving allow me to escape and discover new horizons. 🍃 With a background in political science, I started my professional journey by joining a young talent manager program at Securitas (security services). It was an intense and formative experience that immersed me in the realities of the working world. 

My recruitment experience 

I entered the recruitment world a little over 7 years ago. I quickly identified affinities with the way I operate and my perspective on life. It’s a profession centered on encounters, listening, people, and their needs. 

I discovered the role of recruiter at Randstad Professionals and immediately loved matching the right person with the right job. I then took a one-year break from my career to travel the world with my husband. Central and South America, Oceania, Southeast Asia, and a touch of the Middle East – it was incredible. 

Upon returning to Belgium, I took on the role of Account Manager at Ausy, where I had a dual responsibility for recruitment and consultant management/business management. I then spent a few years working at a small local recruitment agency before joining Profile Group in September 2024. I am now part of the recruitment team dedicated to Safran Aero Boosters.