Guy Vlaeminck
Marketing Manager Europe Pricing - FedEx Express Europe
“Less candidates fail once recommended by Profile Group in comparison to the experience we have with other agencies.”

FedEx Express Europe
FedEx is a regular recruiter but...
FedEx is a regular recruiter but has difficulties finding a stable and reliable partner that could truly understand the company, its philosophy, its structure and its managerial approach.
The very human commitment of Profile Group
The stability of the personnel at Profile Group is a key success factor and truly remarkable compared to many other agencies. Having the same point of contact means that we have someone who truly understands our needs.
The very human commitment of Profile Group means that the results are typically there fast, not too many candidates fail once recommended in comparison to the experience we have with other agencies.
Finally the flexibility is also a key success factor, for example by moving the country scope from originally sourcing in and for Belgium, to now sourcing in and for multiple countries.
Some figures...
Since the beginning of this partnership in 2007, Profile Group has been working on many recruitment & selection projects as more than 80 people from all over Europe found their way into FedEx over the years with the assistance of Profile Group. Some assessments have also been made for the Liège entity.